The syllabus primarily includes the jyotiṣa classic Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra as available today. The various chapters are grouped into 28 topics to be covered in five years. The syllabus for year 1 is below.
# |
Topic |
# |
Topic |
Year-1 |
Year-2 |
1 |
Creation & Incarnations |
8 |
Divisional Charts |
2 |
Navagraha |
9 |
Aprakāśa Graha |
3 |
Rāśi |
10 |
Ṣaḍbala |
4 |
Lagna |
Year-4 |
5 |
Bhāva |
15 |
Rājayoga |
6 |
Dṛṣṭi |
16 |
Dhanayoga |
7 |
Birth Circumstances (Janma) |
17 |
Longevity |
Year-3 |
18 |
Avasthā |
11 |
Āruḍha |
19 |
Daśā |
12 |
Argalā |
20 |
Daśā Results |
13 |
Kāraka |
Year-5 |
14 |
Yoga |
21 |
Aṣṭakavarga |
22 |
Rays (Raśmi) |
23 |
Pañca Tattva |
24 |
Naṣṭa jātaka |
25 |
Stri Jātaka |
26 |
Curse & Remedy |
27 |
Kala doṣa |
28 |
Praśna |
Year 1
Links are for those signed up to the class.
Auspicious Beginning |
1. The Creation |
3. Planetary Characters & Description |
Zodiacal Signs |
Aspects of the signs |
26. Effects of Non-Luminous Bodies |
Judgments of houses |
6. Special Ascendants |
10. Birth Circumstances |
Evils at birth |
2. Incarnations of Viṣṇu |
(c) Copyright 2014 Andrew Foss
All details subject to change without notice